31 Years of Accel

Is 13 an unlucky number?
On 13th March 2022, I was busy with a group of investors in Kochi, finalizing a commercial agreement. Someone asked whether an important agreement can be signed on that day as the date was the 13th. Suddenly, it occurred to me that Accel Limited was originally registered in Chennai on 13th March 1991 and our company was completing 31 years of existence on that very day. We survived through various turbulence during our professional journey but are hale and healthy even after 31 years. Going by my life experience 13 need not be an unlucky number, it is the determination to go forward and fulfill your vision through hard work and innovative ideas that makes any number a lucky number. I remember on this day, the contribution by all our stakeholders who contributed to the success of Accel over the past 31 years.